Unlike a lot of other tubes, this website features tons of original porn from horny amateurs. From solo jackoff scenes to a couple cubs trying to get some taste milk from each other or a daddy bear roughing up a twink, there’s plenty of stuff to choose from. You keep asking for it, they keep bringing it.Ģ. XVideos – With over 20,000 videos in the bear category to select from, both amateur and professional, you’ll never get bored with this tube. Unlike some other tubes which cater to heteros primarily, this site is all gay. In fact, the last time I checked there weren’t even any tranny scenes – just hairy, rugged men on men.ģ. Porn Hub – You knew that this site would be on the list. From what I can tell, in addition to a few other types of gays, this tube seems to be a repository for bear porn. With thousands of videos in this category and counting, if you keep checking this website, you're going to find new videos all the time.
Hell, you'll get so excited you'll feel like you're having a mini-Christmas every time you log on.Ĥ. Gay Male Tube – The site design may suck, but so do the cubs and bears…in a good way. Tubes like this don’t focus on presentation but do have a butt load of videos. In fact, this site may have more videos in the bear category than any other on this list.